Larger Than Life
by Robin and Arlene Karpan
176 pages, 37 colour photos and 99 black & white photos
5.5 x 8.5 inches
Robin and Arlene Karpan take you to over 70 communities to marvel at massive monuments. Know where to find the world's largest still for making home brew? How about the world's largest moose, white-tailed deer antlers, or bunnock? Why did a Saskatchewan town build a huge Santa Claus, and others build a big pink pig, a lighthouse, or huge kangaroo rats? Why on Earth would someone put a Massey combine atop an 80-foot pedestal? The 176-page book, accompanied by 136 photographs, not only guides you to monument sites, but also takes you behind the scenes to discover the many fascinating stories behind who built these intriguing gigantic sculptures and why. CONTENTS
Indian Head 94
NAC Item Number: Parkland004
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