Saskatchewan NAC
The Dome of St. Mary's The Dome of St. Mary's
Edifice & Us - St. Mary's Church
The Drum Calls Softly - by David Bouchard & Shelley Willier The Drum Calls Softly - by David Bouchard & Shelley Willier
BolognaRagazzi Award Mention book, 2010
The First Hill The First Hill
by Jane A. Evans
The Flour of Esterhazy The Flour of Esterhazy
Edifice & Us - Esterhazy Flour Mill
The Future Of The Past The Future Of The Past
Edifice & Us - RCMP Heritage Centre
the great effect of the imagination on the world the great effect of the imagination on the world
Brenda Pelkey's suburban Saskatoon panoramas
The House Sam McLeod Built The House Sam McLeod Built
Edifice & Us - Keyhole Castle
The Indra Position The Indra Position
by Bronwyn Schuster
The International Art Markets The International Art Markets
Essential Guide for Collectors and Investors
The Missionary Position The Missionary Position
by Bronwyn Schuster
The Qu’Appelle Opera House The Qu’Appelle Opera House
Edifice & Us - The Qu’Appelle Opera House
Saskatchewan Network for Art Collecting