Saskatchewan NAC

Little Worlds


Little Worlds - Image 1
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2001, 228 pages, 83 illustrations (10 full colour). 
Published by Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina

This large exhibition filled both Dunlop Art Gallery exhibition spaces, with different work appearing at each site. Installation dates were staggered, but the combined presentations constituted the exhibition in its entirety, as it appears in this book.

Little Worlds was exhibited in the Sherwood Village Branch Gallery, September 5 to October 18, 1998 and Central Gallery, September 19 to October 25, 1998. The exhibition travelled to the Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, March 19 to May 3, 1999. Artists included were: Kim Adams, Steven Brower, Doug Buis, Bill Burns, Gregory Crewdson, David Hoffos, Alison Norlen, Edward Poitras, Dawna Rose, Lyla Rye and Laurie Simmons.

Curator: Anthony Kiendl
Essay: Anthony Kiendl; Ven Begamudre; Jeanne Randolph

ISBN: 0-920085-79-2

NAC Item Number: B0059

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