Saskatchewan NAC

Saskatchewan Wild


Saskatchewan Wild - Image 1
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by Robin and Arlene Karpan

Hard cover, 128 pages, 183 colour photos, printed on Forestry Stewarship Council certified paper stock

Saskatchewan abounds with wonderful opportunities to see and enjoy wildlife. Famous as "North America's Duck Factory", the province raises a quarter of the continent's ducklings. Waterfowl stage here in the hundreds of thousands, giving us easy access to some of nature's greatest spectacles. Saskatchewan is home to half of Canada's pelicans, half of Canada's designated sites in the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network, the world's largest inland concentration of Bald Eagles, white-tailed deer with the largest antlers in North America, some of the last remaining sage-grouse in Canada, the only black-tailed prairie dogs in Canada, and a quarter of the world's endangered Piping Plovers.

Saskatchewan Wild is a personal photographic journey, a taste of the many wildlife adventures possible in Saskatchewan. It is both a celebration of our wild creatures and wild places, and a reminder of what we might lose if we're not careful.

NAC Item Number: Parkland005

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