Saskatchewan NAC

Gothic Art Now


Gothic Art Now - Image 1
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Includes colour and BW illustrations.

Hard Cover - 192 pages - 2008 - 9.7" x 10" x 0.8"

List price is $31.95

Having spent so long on the periphery of the art world, gothic art is taking its place as a bonafide art form influencing fashion, literature, film, media, music, and design. Gothic Art Now brings together for the first time the finest, the freshest, the darkest and the most exciting talents from around the world. The work covers the most compelling gothic art across various media, from paintings and illustrations to photography, sculpture, and digital art.

Featured gothic art includes the breathtaking sculptures of H.R. Giger, the ethereal watercolors of Natalia Pierandrei, the grim fairytale paintings of David Stoupakis, the hypnotic oil paintings of David Bowers, the haunting photography of Shannon Hourigan, the sinister dolls of Scott Radke, the delicately dismal portraits of Dorian Cleavanger, and numerous other terrifying and thought-provoking artistic creations in literature, digital media, film, and advertising. Inside information from the artists on how they created their work along with a full artist directory are also featured.

NAC Item Number: B0212

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