Saskatchewan NAC

Art of Drawing Anatomy


Art of Drawing Anatomy - Image 1
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Softcover - 9 x 11 x 0.6 inches - 160 pages - published in 2008

Our price - $15.95 (List price is $19.95)

The newest entry in the beautiful Art of Drawing series presents one of the most popular and important topics in the fine arts: realistically capturing human anatomy and the nude on paper. Richly illustrated, with every anatomical explanation shown in detail, it puts each concept into practice through sequences of drawings that show the intricacies of muscular and skeletal structure. Budding artists will visually grasp general concepts of anatomy and proportion; learn formulas for constructing the figure; travel part by part through the torso, arms, legs, head, hands, and feet; and see how to depict lifelike movement and poses. Then, they can show off their new knowledge in several projects, including a male body drawn in color pencil and a woman’s back done in charcoal and sanguine.

ISBN: 978-1402755170

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